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Latest blog post...

8:42:46 08/07/2024Disruption for important update on 8th of July

I cook a delicious onion stew, without any chilli peppers.

Join the KLOS Community Forum to chat darkweb. (i2p helper)
We also sponsor Juvenile, a links list and communications server.


Blogs and Status Updates

Here you will find things like downtime notifications and blog updates by the owner of this service.
8:42:46 08/07/2024Disruption for important update on 8th of July
10:24:17 19/06/2024Important updates applied on June 19th
6:22:01 06/06/2024Morke Emails down
2:09:09 26/05/2024Planned system outage the Weekend starting the 31th of May (postponed).
8:56:04 09/05/2024Important update applied on May 5th
2:00:54 23/04/2024Unplanned Outage (updated: oopsie)
8:44:20 19/04/2024Putty, WinS*****, and Filezilla vulnerable, update or adapt
1:57:51 08/04/2024Litecoin replacing Bitcoin
7:30:20 16/03/2024March 16th 2024 Outbound Mail Outage
7:12:00 10/03/2024DDOS won't stop Incognitio's extortion (but it could stop you!)
8:12:36 20/02/2024Smooth Sailing
3:38:09 11/01/2024KLOS is back online
5:13:29 19/11/2023Darksogs Open Session Group Community
2:18:32 05/11/2023Some random does a psyop on me on #gentoo-chat
7:29:25 01/11/2023Suprise major November 1st 2023 update!
12:45:37 21/10/2023Stability issues with Tor (updated the 21st of October)
13:19:50 15/10/2023Multiple dumpster fires
1:55:16 11/10/2023Outbound relay failure for shared web server
9:11:08 06/10/2023Outbound outage on the 6th of October
16:58:53 09/09/2023Middlebox changes may change your stuff, but improve most scripts
1:36:06 04/09/2023Discipline pays
10:43:59 18/08/2023Email issues over the last 12-18 hours
2:47:14 16/08/2023A researcher called David Kenny
21:46:41 29/07/2023System updates and reboots
13:14:44 06/07/2023A quick fix for our Refuge!
22:58:53 04/07/2023Yes, that is one of my IP addresses!
19:40:29 25/06/2023TorGuard™ is everything wrong with consumer security
2:14:07 21/06/2023Small outage on the 21st of June
7:04:42 16/06/2023KLOS Forum theme fixes
13:33:57 31/05/2023Discuss Open Source projects on the KLOS forum
3:54:11 27/05/2023Server restored from outage
10:06:18 24/05/2023If I made a market (I'm not)
21:20:38 20/04/2023New Main Page 2023
16:12:07 03/04/2023GPG key expiry updates
13:02:24 21/03/2023An interview by Pygmalion about who I really am
7:52:15 02/03/2023I implied no connection between Tor Taxi and the Kilos exit scam
16:07:54 14/02/2023A recent rise in sick-*****ery
11:19:15 10/02/2023New expiry for gpg2 public key [email protected]
13:39:29 03/02/2023What has been happening in February 2023
12:28:26 20/01/2023I came in like a wrecking ball!
14:48:32 17/01/2023ViewPVS page info updated
15:03:01 12/01/2023Server cleanup performed
16:29:01 02/01/2023KLOS Community Forums
10:05:22 31/12/2022Happy New Year KLOS users!
2:59:44 24/12/2022Traffic delays due to public works on Dec 31st - Jan 1st
8:15:05 20/12/2022Curl update for bad onion operators broke KLOS!
6:37:24 19/12/2022Server crash, XMPP down (updated)
4:48:36 17/12/2022Juvenile XMPP hit hard
5:55:09 10/12/2022Strike action! Healthcare plan needed!
20:59:08 24/11/2022Moving ahead with a new update!
8:18:28 15/11/2022Stability, my new problem (and Dread)
1:48:55 24/09/2022Brief Unexpected Outage
6:55:21 20/09/2022Outbound access outage
17:33:52 22/08/2022PHP 8.1 now available for customers
18:59:53 16/08/2022Planned disruption on 20th of August
13:15:26 07/07/2022Where the loli is from
10:52:07 25/05/2022Unexpected Outage for the 25th of May
9:28:17 16/05/2022Unexpected outage to investigate instability
5:34:08 11/05/2022Disruption to come this weekend
16:19:08 01/05/2022System distruption
22:26:53 29/04/2022System Failure
14:13:27 09/04/2022Unusual Tor Chaos
2:05:35 16/03/2022DNS failure solved
11:50:31 08/03/2022Unexpected Security Outage
7:20:53 14/02/2022Open Source Developments by KLOS
11:48:17 06/02/2022System reboot
13:28:59 29/01/2022Unexpected Outage
14:36:28 26/12/20212021 in Review
3:18:53 16/12/2021Major Hardware Failure
19:34:09 28/11/2021Selling Cock.li invites!
13:20:23 20/11/2021System Updated on Nov 21
4:04:30 10/11/2021Unexpected Outage
9:39:46 23/10/2021Unexpectedly Away
8:53:23 03/10/2021Clearnet relay disruption (and a coming disruption)
6:04:56 29/09/2021Small disruption (Sep 29th)
7:59:52 25/08/2021Infantile Mail outbound outage
12:15:09 24/08/2021Possible Outage on August 28th
10:45:00 07/08/2021Outage Fallout
10:18:39 17/07/2021V2 Officially Depreciated
3:01:05 29/06/2021Secmail is finished (and a coming outage)
10:22:04 26/06/2021Outage postponed for one week
15:18:28 19/06/2021System back online (new outage planned)
17:10:57 15/06/2021Why I won't host Eckmar's script (and outage notice)
15:55:32 10/06/2021Planned outage for 18th of June
7:17:10 01/06/2021V2 depreciation imminent!
12:37:05 25/05/2021Unplanned Outage
13:55:41 01/05/2021On Dasho Hosting...
14:12:09 03/04/2021Outage postponed until March 10th
10:31:52 30/03/2021Coming outage on April 3rd
9:11:12 22/03/2021Infantile relay outage
5:03:11 01/03/2021System failure
14:10:21 20/02/2021Unexpected network outage
3:40:42 18/02/2021Disruption of services
8:12:13 11/02/2021Maintenance today
2:12:29 28/01/2021Tor V3 network issues
19:01:39 17/01/2021Expedient system update
5:08:52 12/01/2021Tor Chaos
18:46:43 09/01/2021Outbound Relay Failure
1:37:04 17/12/2020Locked Out
2:15:11 27/11/2020Disaster of November 2020
2:52:36 21/11/2020The Outage Achieved Nothing
4:17:49 16/11/2020Serious Failure (and upcoming outage)
15:02:12 11/11/2020Coming outage (Nov 20)
9:54:26 27/10/2020MariaDB Outage
10:39:50 03/10/2020XMPP issues with 404.city
9:55:27 26/09/2020Back Online
16:42:50 25/09/2020Under Maintainence
11:48:48 19/09/2020Outage Postponed
3:01:35 16/09/2020Shell server back (& coming outage)
9:04:17 15/09/2020Coming Outage of Web Stack
10:00:03 12/09/2020Moving Forward
1:50:02 10/09/2020Relay outage again
3:20:20 01/09/2020Relay Outage
3:28:19 28/08/2020System back online!
5:15:07 23/08/2020Outage just now, and at end of August
9:53:26 15/08/2020Back on XMPP!
12:17:53 20/07/2020Outages and Tuning
17:37:44 11/07/2020Relay system improved, announcing OnionStew
15:49:23 10/07/2020Canary being updated again
1:25:30 24/06/2020Outages and Failures
12:26:28 19/06/2020V2 Onion Deprecation
3:49:03 14/06/2020Mail Failure
4:27:41 08/06/2020Back and in Business (and MySQL)
4:37:05 30/05/2020Away on Leave
17:33:36 19/05/2020Blockonomics Callbacks
9:26:15 22/04/2020Back Online
15:20:29 19/04/2020Coming downtime for rebuild
18:25:04 15/04/2020Markets are Obsolete
14:31:10 12/04/2020Never Quit
10:11:27 29/03/2020Secmail is broken
10:25:50 25/03/2020Price API changes
21:03:16 15/03/2020We are back online
7:22:48 15/03/2020Server tested (downtime soon)
9:34:33 12/03/2020More Mistakes Moving
11:15:40 08/03/2020Outage for Rebuild
9:46:40 04/03/2020All is well
17:30:05 27/02/2020Massive time *****up
11:02:00 16/02/2020The New System
3:40:03 14/02/2020Injured but back
5:29:18 09/02/2020Migrating server hardware soon
6:03:42 20/01/2020First picosite vendor store
3:17:30 01/01/2020New service coming: spam email
11:34:55 26/12/2019DDOS on Infantile (s***** are boring)
8:56:58 20/12/2019Infantile.us email relay outage
10:28:37 19/12/2019Infected Admin issue
4:20:58 17/12/2019The Elusive Mail with a Wallet
10:04:51 29/11/2019I want the CIA
23:33:23 27/11/2019Dread has Returned
3:42:04 23/11/2019Server outage earlier (and updates)
9:15:01 21/11/2019Cyrus is hacked I'm afraid
14:31:45 15/11/2019Faults & Issues
12:33:29 01/11/2019Many bugs fixed for many services
11:53:36 28/10/2019picosite on github & downtime
7:07:29 29/09/2019Recent Outages
12:39:13 13/09/2019Tor Outage
4:27:19 11/09/2019XMPP.jp account back online
10:09:35 10/09/2019Jabber with xmpp.jp compromised
15:56:54 06/09/2019Unexpected Outage
9:51:32 05/09/2019Mise à jour des Termes et Conditions
8:06:42 27/08/2019Torbox working / bugs ahead
4:13:10 29/07/2019Back online
7:45:54 27/07/2019We have secure erase MySQL
10:26:26 19/07/2019I've four words for ya
3:58:05 14/07/2019Clearweb Access Stable
9:38:44 27/06/2019Final Solution to T***** clearweb access
13:39:04 11/06/2019Going Offline (back online)
7:10:36 11/06/2019Infantile & Shells Outage
19:22:18 30/05/2019We are back online early
9:01:27 26/05/2019New Secmail Keys
3:32:24 13/05/2019Things are getting busy
6:52:27 08/05/2019GCC upgrade related downtime
4:18:19 03/05/2019ViewPVS price increase
10:24:26 30/04/2019Hosting account sale
3:52:58 29/04/2019Comrpomised Customers
13:54:02 20/04/2019Growing interest
3:26:00 17/04/2019User Policy Update
1:54:21 09/04/2019Security related downtime
16:32:43 04/04/2019Infantile Mail back online
9:18:06 25/03/2019Update PuTTY
5:27:05 19/03/2019The great spill of 2019
1:39:06 16/03/2019Age of Consent
11:13:43 05/03/2019Onion V3 addresses
16:58:21 25/02/2019Free accounts for devs in our lab
2:22:23 25/02/2019GCC innovations being researched
9:43:48 18/02/2019Why I do this
3:25:06 13/02/2019Banned from Dread (false alarm)
20:18:38 03/02/2019Quickcoke using ViewPVS
16:37:18 03/02/2019Suspend Services
12:43:08 11/01/2019Downtime soon, cock.li issues
2:58:29 11/01/2019Downtime Coming
3:02:34 18/12/2018The Future
6:42:23 17/12/2018Panic Reboot
18:48:18 11/12/2018Honeymoon
5:57:18 10/12/2018Better security for Infantile.us
6:36:24 09/12/2018PHP 7.2
19:14:20 02/12/2018Sunday downtime cured
5:26:39 16/11/2018Back into beta update
3:46:59 21/10/2018Installed Gentoo! (Hardened Infantile Mail)
17:31:58 05/10/2018Secmail *****ing Sucks
20:42:45 30/09/2018Hardening Infantile Mail
8:42:33 04/09/2018Rainbow Dash
21:13:10 02/09/2018Your onion identity.
14:07:16 30/08/2018Social Networking
5:35:41 18/08/2018New Email / Infantile Domain
3:52:35 12/08/2018French Translations
23:19:53 09/08/2018Unplanned outage
8:50:31 31/07/2018Running smooth but looking for trouble
6:58:31 27/07/2018Downtime this weekend
11:25:43 25/07/2018Why use someone else for hosting?
3:39:04 16/07/2018Get ViewPVS cheap.
8:50:36 07/07/2018Translations are Live!
12:31:47 05/07/2018GCC 7.3.0 upgrade
7:09:04 05/07/2018Typo and Sleep
13:04:42 27/06/2018Infantile Mail back online
23:06:11 25/06/2018Infantile Mail is down
3:08:34 22/06/2018Translations
15:25:27 04/06/2018Stable and Ready to serve!
22:23:41 31/05/2018New GPG public key
12:45:08 31/05/2018Infantile Mail up and running
12:39:59 26/05/2018First Post

I hope you found that informative.

2024 Kaizu Shibata, server time 15:22:52 06/08/24 UTC

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